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Talibjon Yakshinorovich. Allaerov
Hakim Egamovich Matyokubov
Nilufar Marupovna Usmanova


The article is devoted to modern approaches to diagnostics of infectious diseases, which play a key role in effective healthcare. Molecular methods such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and nucleotide sequencing, which allow rapid and accurate detection of pathogens in the early stages of the disease, are considered. Serological tests, including enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and rapid tests that help determine the body's immune response, are also discussed. An important part of the article is the study of the use of artificial intelligence in diagnostics, including machine learning and medical image processing, which contributes to improving the quality of diagnostics and prognosis of infectious diseases. The article emphasizes the need for further research and the implementation of new technologies to effectively combat infections in the modern world.

Article Details



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