Chief Editor

Trofimova Elena Konstantinovna Doctor of Physics and Mathematics
sciences, professors

Melnikov Nikolay Nikolaevich (Russian Federation, Moscow) – Doctor of Juridical Sciences (Advanced Doctor), Associate Professor, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Metreveli Medeya Givievna (Georgia, Telavi) – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (Advanced Doctor), Professor, Y. Gogebashvili  Telavi State University

Ostapovich Igor Yuryevich (Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg) – Doctor of Juridical Sciences (Advanced Doctor), Associate Professor, Ural State Law University

Pavlova Olga Aleksandrovna (Russian Federation, Krasnodar) – Doctor of Philological Sciences (Advanced Doctor), Associate Professor, Krasnodar State Institute of Culture

Sukhomlina Tatiana Aleksandrovna (Russian Federation, Samara) – Doctor of Philological Sciences (Advanced Doctor), Associate Professor, Samara State Socio-Pedagogical University

Sultanbaeva Hadisa Valievna (Russian Federation, Ufa) – Doctor of Philological Sciences (Advanced Doctor), Associate Professor, Bashkir State University

Sumachev Alexey Vitalievich (Khanty-Mansiysk) – Doctor of Juridical Sciences (Advanced Doctor), Professor, Ugra State University

Narmanov Otabek Abdigapparovich (Uzbekistan) Doctor of Physics and Mathematics science, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi

Baltaev Jushqin Boltabaevich (Uzbekistan) Associate Professor of the "Information Systems and Digital Technologies" Department of the Tashkent Financial Institute

Abdullayev Mirjamol Mirkomilovich (Uzbekistan) Associate Professor of the "Information Systems and Digital Technologies" Department of the Tashkent Financial Institute

Dariusz Jacek Jakobczak (Poland) Professor Department of Electronics and Computer Science Koszalin University of Technology

Muxammedova Nazokat Jurayevna (Uzbekistan) associate professor  Navoi State Pedagogical Institute Department of "Basics of Geography and Economic Knowledge".

Halimova Dilrabo Jalilovna (Uzbekistan)  Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences, Bukhara State Medical Institute Department of "Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases"

Bozorova Nazokat Mamasoatovna (Uzbekistan) Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy PhD of the "Methodology of Socio-Economic Sciences" department of the National Center for Training Regional Pedagogues in New Methods 

Akbarova Nigora Alimdjanovna (Uzbekistan)  associate professor Head of the Department of Metrology, Standardization and Certification, Belarus-Uzbekistan Institute of Intersectoral Practical Technical Qualifications

Erbutaeva Ugiloy Suyunovna (Uzbekistan)  associate professor Director of the Repression Victims Memorial Museum in Gulistan State University

Zaripova Dilnoza Yashinovna (Uzbekistan)  Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences, Docent of the 2nd Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Bukhara State Medical Institute

Raxmatova Dilnora Saidjonovna (Uzbekistan) Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences (PhD), Bukhara State Medical Institute. Assistant of the Children's Dentistry Department

Karimova Dilrabo Ergashevna (Uzbekistan) Associate Professor of the Department of Investigative Activities Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in law, associate professor

Raxmatov Rabbim (Uzbekistan) Doctor of Physics and Mathematics science, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi

Yokubjonova Khulkarbonu Yokubovna (Uzbekistan) Doctor of Philosophy in Economics Namangan State University

Baymirzayev Dilmurod Nematovich (Uzbekistan) Doctor of Philosophy in Economics Namangan State University

Urunov Numanjon Mo'ydinovich (Uzbekistan) Doctor of Philosophy in Economics Namangan State University

Talapova Nargizaxon Baxriddinovna (Uzbekistan) Doctor of Philosophy in Economics Namangan State University

Khudayberdieva Nargiza Nizomidin kizi (Uzbekistan) Doctor of Philosophy in Economics Namangan State University

Turdibekov Kamolbek Khamitovich (Uzbekistan) Associate Professor of the Electrical Supply Department of Tashkent State Transport University

Latipova Nadira Khalimovna (Uzbekistan) Associate professor of the department of systematic and applied programming, Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi

Khusnutdinova Hamida Khafizovna (Uzbekistan) Professor of Aviation Engineering Department of Tashkent State Transport University

Abdujabarov Nuriddin Anvarovich (Uzbekistan) Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Aviation Engineering, Tashkent State Transport University

Kerimov Komil Fikratovich (Uzbekistan) Doctor of Technical Sciences Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi